
PowerPoint 2010 小功能, 大改善 - pptPlex

pptPlex 一個新Add-In 功能, 令你的Presentation 變得更有趣和靈活.
下載位置: http://www.officelabs.com/projects/pptPlex/Pages/default.aspx
From Overview:點選它可以看全部ppt的縮圖(全螢幕)
From First Slide:從第一張開始放映
From Current Slide:從目前的投影片開始播放
Insert New Section:插入新簡報
Canvas Background:套用背景
Add Live Content:可以增加文件檔唷,下文會詳細解說
Advanced Options:呈現方式選項 亦可以使用滑鼠左右鍵、滑鼠滾輪做ZOOM IN和ZOOM OUT 或 用左右上下鍵來選擇你要呈現的投影片
Add Live Content: 可以增加Word, PowerPoint 或 Excel 文件在PowerPoint內顯示內容, 加上可以加Next/Previous制控制文件上一頁/下一頁


Word 2010 小功能, 大改善 - Content Control

利用Content Control 來制做電子表單, 加快填表單的速度

1. 因為Word 2010 預設是沒有Developer Tab,所以要在Toolbar 按下滑鼠右鍵, 選擇Customize Ribbon, 剔選Developer

2. 一些Content Options

3. 可以建立拉下選單

4. 剔選方格

5. 插入日期

Word 2010 小功能, 大改善 - Send to PowerPoint

如果要把 Word 的資料放到 PowerPoint 中,多數使用複製&貼上功能,但是,現在Word 2010只要輕輕鬆鬆按一下,就能把Word的資料送到PowerPoint中.

1. 加入Send to PowerPoint 按鈕

2. 準備好的Word 文件, 然後按一下Send to PowerPoint

3. PowerPoint 會自動把Word 資料放進Slide, 還會分開一張一張Slide

Powerpoint 2010 小功能, 大改善 - Broadcast Slide Show

Broadcast Slide Show 是可以把整個Powerpoint 放在網上做Presentation.

1. 按File-->Save&Share--> Broadcast Slide Show

2. 按Start Broadcast

3.用Windows Live ID 登入後做會有一條URL, 把這條URL 分享給其他人, 便可以看到Powerpoint

Powerpoint 2010小功能, 大改善 - Laser Pointer

現在Powerpoint 2010 有內置Laser Pointer 可以給Presentation 時使用, 只要按住CTRL + 滑鼠左鍵, 鼠標做變成Laster Pointer


利用Group Policy 部署自訂Office 2010 (2)

現在建立Startup Script 來給GPO 執行, 以下是Script Sample
1. 打開notepad, 複製以下內容並儲存為deployoffice2010.bat

REM *********************************************************************
REM Environment customization begins here. Modify variables below.
REM *********************************************************************

REM Get ProductName from the Office product's core Setup.xml file, and then add "office14." as a prefix.
set ProductName=Office14.PROPLUS

REM Set DeployServer to a network-accessible location containing the Office source files.
set DeployServer=\\FS\Office2010SourceFiles

REM Set ConfigFile to the configuration file to be used for deployment (required)
set ConfigFile=\\FS\Office2010SourceFiles\ProPlus.WW\config.xml

REM Set LogLocation to a central directory to collect log files.
set LogLocation=\\FS\Office2010LogFiles

REM *********************************************************************
REM Deployment code begins here. Do not modify anything below this line.
REM *********************************************************************

IF NOT "%ProgramFiles(x86)%"=="" (goto ARP64) else (goto ARP86)

REM Operating system is X64. Check for 32 bit Office in emulated Wow6432 uninstall key
reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%ProductName%
if NOT %errorlevel%==1 (goto End)

REM Check for 32 and 64 bit versions of Office 2010 in regular uninstall key.(Office 64bit would also appear here on a 64bit OS)
reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%ProductName%
if %errorlevel%==1 (goto DeployOffice) else (goto End)

REM If 1 returned, the product was not found. Run setup here.
start /wait %DeployServer%\setup.exe /config %ConfigFile%
echo %date% %time% Setup ended with error code %errorlevel%. >> %LogLocation%\%computername%.txt

REM If 0 or other was returned, the product was found or another error occurred. Do nothing.


2. 複製deployoffice2010.bat 到Startup Folder

3. 打開Active Directory Users and Computers,在要部署Office 2010的OU,新增一個GPO - DeployOffice2010

4. 在Computer Configuration|Windows Settings|Scripts (Startup/Shutdown)|Startup 加入DeployOffice2010.bat

5. 在Computer Configuration|Administrative Templates|System|Scripts, 設定Script

6. 執行gpupdate /force 套用新GPO, 開啟Client 電腦,便會自動安裝Office 2010

利用Group Policy 部署自訂Office 2010 (1)

剛剛Office 2010 正式啟動, 現在開始準備部署Office 2010, 如果要手動大量部署給客戶, 會費時失事, 我們可以利用Office Customization Tool 來自訂安裝套件,再用GPO 執行Startup Script 發佈給客戶.

Server Side: Windows Server 2003 R2 With Active Directory
Client Side: Windows XP Pro and Windows 7
1. 下載Office 2010 ProPlus Beta 版, 儲存在C:MSOFFICE2010

2. 打開CMD, 執行以下指令Extract 安裝檔案到C:\Office2010SourceFiles

3. 輸入Setup.exe /admin 打開Office Customization Tool (OCT)

4. 建立新的安裝自訂檔案

5. 根據不同選項做出修改

6. SAVE 後把.msp 檔案儲存到C:\Office2010SourceFiles\Updates 的Folder 裹


Launch of Office 2010 & Sharepoint 2010

今日5月13日在Micorosoft 在香港港麗酒店舉行「開創工作新效益」研討會,當中介紹如何行用一系列2010產品新方案全面提高生產力, 亦意味著Office 2010 和SharePoint 2010 正式啟動. 在不久前在Technet 已經可以下載Office 2010, SharePoint 2010 RTM. 現在亦可到http://technet.microsoft.com/zh-tw/evalcenter/ee390818.aspx 下載中文評估版.


當開啟Outlook 出現Scanemal.dll or Scanotlk.dll error when opening Outlook (Scanemal.dll or Scanotlk.dll cannot be installed / loaded / found or is missing)

For details of all supported operating systems, see KB51109
Microsoft Outlook XP
Microsoft Outlook 2007
Microsoft Outlook 2003
Microsoft Outlook 2000
Video Tutorial
NOTE: Adobe Flash Player is required. For further details, go to: http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/

To view a list of tutorials, go to the McAfee ServicePortal at http://mysupport.mcafee.com/Eservice/Default.aspx and click View Tutorials.

To view this tutorial, see:
TU30048 - Resolving VirusScan errors when opening Microsoft Outlook
Problem 1
When opening Microsoft Outlook, an error message is displayed. The exact error message varies between Outlook versions, but will be similar to one of the following:
•The add-in \scanemal.dll could not be installed or loaded

•The add-in \scanemal.dll could not be found

•Unable to load \scanemal.dll You may be out of memory out of system resources, or missing a dll.file

•Could not load plugin \Scanemal.xxxxxxx.dll

The above also applies to the file: ScanOtlk.dll

•The Add-in "Outlook Scan" (\Scanotlk.dll) cannot be loaded and has been disabled by Outlook. Uninstall the Add-in if no update is available.
Problem 2
This issue occurs only on shared computers with multiple user profiles.

The error occurs after a McAfee product upgrade, when older McAfee Anti-Virus software is uninstalled (and a newer version is installed).
Microsoft Outlook maintains a local disk cache of Outlook Add-ins, called Extend.DAT. Outlook uses the cache to locate those add-ins and if a specific add-in is no longer present, one of the error messages detailed above is displayed.

For a vendor who integrates an add-in with Microsoft Outlook, this issue arises when:
•The install path of the product changes
•The dynamic link library (DLL) for the add-in changes name
In VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i, McAfee utilizes the Microsoft-approved manner of updating the Exchange Scan add-in. However, this method only works for one user; The Outlook error will be seen by other users of the same computer.
This issue is resolved in VSE 8.7i.

It is possible to encounter the issue when you upgrade to 8.7i, but it will no longer be possible to encounter the issue in future upgrades.
VSE 8.7i includes new architecture for how the Exchange Scan add-in works. This architecture change works around the design of Microsoft Outlook that causes the errors to occur.

If you have already encountered this error, see the workarounds below.
Workaround 1
Install Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 3.

Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 3 may also help to resolve this issue, although this has not been officially confirmed.

If you are using Office 2003, you can download Service Pack 3 from the Microsoft web site: http://office.microsoft.com/downloads/default.aspx
Workaround 2
Delete the EXTEND.DAT File.

The EXTEND.DAT file includes a cache of Outlook add-ins that are selected in the Add-in Manager. Deleting EXTEND.DAT will cause Outlook to verify the selected extensions and recreate the file when Outlook is next launched.

To delete the EXTEND.DAT file:
1.Close Microsoft Outlook.
2.Click Start, Search, For Files or Folders.
3.In the All or part of the file name box, type extend.dat.
4.Click More advanced options and select the following:

•Include subfolders
•Search hidden files and folders.

NOTE: In some cases, EXTEND.DAT is hidden by the operating system. Selecting this option ensures that all instances of EXTEND.DAT are found.

5.In the Look in list, select My Computer, and click Find Now.
6.In the search results, right-click each instance of EXTEND.DAT and click Delete.
NOTE: If more than one profile exists in Outlook, an EXTEND.DAT file will be created for each profile. If the installed location of the VirusScan software changes, delete EXTEND.DAT for each profile on the system. By default, EXTEND.DAT can be found in the following locations:
•Windows XP:
\documents and Settings\\local settings\application data\microsoft\outlook

•Windows Vista:
Workaround 3
Remove the Exchange Scan Add-in via Outlook.
To remove the Exchange Scan Add-in:

1.Open Microsoft Outlook.
2.From the menu click Tools, Options.
3.Click the Other tab.
4.Click Advanced Options.
5.In the lower part of the window click Add-in Manager.
6.Deselect Exchange Scan.
7.Click OK until all windows are closed.
8.Close and reopen Outlook.
For Outlook 2007:
1.Open Microsoft Outlook 2007.
2.Click Tools, Trust Center, add ins.
3.Click the option Manage, which is located in the bottom right corner.
4.From the drop-down list, select Exchange Client Extension and click Go.
5.In the Add In Manager window, deselect Exchange Scan and click OK.
6.Close and reopen Outlook.
Workaround 4
Delete the EXTEND.DAT File via ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO).

If multiple computers are affected by this issue, McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator can be used to quickly delete EXTEND.DAT on all affected computers. After the file has been removed, a new instance of EXTEND.DAT will be created the next time Microsoft Outlook is opened.

To configure ePO to delete EXTEND.DAT from client computers using:
•ePolicy Orchestrator ePO 3.6.1, see KB59988.
•ePolicy Orchestrator ePO 4.0, see KB60069.

When the Task and Policy changes are deployed to client computers, the on-demand scan runs and completes very quickly. The scan deletes all copies of EXTEND.DAT on the client.

When Microsoft Outlook next launches, it will recreate EXTEND.DAT with the new information.
Previous Document ID


McAfee ePO 4.5 為Workstations 自動更新病毒源碼

很多時候McAfee 本身自動更新會出現問題而不能更新,而且管理員是不知道,這樣McAfee不在最新的狀態,會令workstations 潛在危機. 我們利用ePO4.5 集中管理及更新VirusScan 病毒源碼.

首先, 在Menu|Software|Master Repository, 按下Actions, 選擇Schedule Pull, 再輸入Task name, 和enable 這個task.

在Actions 選擇Repository Pull, 然後在Souce site 可以選擇經Http 或Ftp 下載最新的Package, Branch 選擇Current, 因為只有current 才會發佈給Workstations, Package Type 可以選擇Selected Package, 只選取有需要的package, 從而節省下載時間和空間.

再決定這個task 何時執行, 然後SAVE.

SAVE 完後, 再到Meun|Automation|Server Task, 便會看見剛剛新增的Task, 按下RUN, 執行一次Task, 下載最新package, 完成後再到Master Repository, 會發現新增了DAT, Engine.

再到Dashboards, 對比My Repository 和Laters Available 是否一樣

完成了Server 自動下載更新, 現在便要新增定時發佈更新到Workstations 的Task
在Menu|Systems|System Trees|Client Tasks,按下New Task新增, 輸入Task Name, 選擇Product Update 和所有電腦都會執行這個Task 或是只是某些Tags 的電腦

選擇Show "Update in Progress" 令User 知道現在是更新中, 但不能給User 自己結束, 另外只是更新Super DAT, Enginer 和 DAT, 最後設定執行Task 的時間, 如每天Run at startup, 便可以在User 正常使用電腦時已經更新到最新的防毒.

按下SAVE, 再到System Trees, 選取所有電腦, 按下Wake Up Agent, 讓Agent 取得最新的Task.

在AD 環境內用McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.5 部署McAfee Enterprise v8.7i + AntiSpyware Enterprise (3)

新增了所有Workstation 現在便可以在ePO 4.5 用之前已經建立好的package 來部署安裝.
所有要安裝,更新的程式,patch, 更新檔都要在Master Repository 做一個Check-in process

在Menu 選擇Master Repositor, 按一下Action, 選擇Check in Package, 會到以下畫面

如成功認了Package內容, 會出現Package 資料, 如:名稱, 版本...
無問題做按SAVE, 便Check In 完成

返回System Tree, 新增一個Client Task, 在Name 輸入Deploy VSE8.7i, 在Type 選擇Product Deployment, 按Next

Taget Platforms 選擇Windows, 而Products 便選之前Check In Package, VirusScan Enterprise, Action 是Install (如要移除只要新增一個Task, 而Action 選Remove 即可) 再按Next

返回System Tree, 選擇要安裝VSE 的Workstations, 再按一下Wake Up Agents.

其實部署Spyware Enterprise Module 與VSE 一樣, 下載了Spyware Module Package, 在Master Repositor Check In Package, 然後再新增一個Task 做可.

所有Task 完成後, 打開Workstation McAfee Agent, 會看見已經安裝好VirusScan Enterprise + AntiSpyware Enterprise

在AD 環境內用McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.5 部署McAfee Enterprise v8.7i + AntiSpyware Enterprise (2)

預備好了需要的Installation Package, 我們便要安裝ePO 4.5, 安裝ePO4.5 必需要1GB Ram, 但最好有2GB Ram 來運行, 而安裝時間都較耐.

安裝好ePO 4.5,它其實是Web Based Application,所以會用IE 來打開ePO.

要新增Workstation, 在Menu 選擇System Tree, 按一下System Tree Actions, 選擇New Systems 新增Workstation

選舉"Push Agents and add systems to the current group",這是當新增了Workstation, ePO 會自動安裝McAfee Agent 在Workstation, 用來與ePO 溝通.
按下"Browse" 選擇Workstation, 再輸入Domain Admin Password

這時在System Tree 會看見剛剛新增的Worksttation, 而Status 是Unmanaged, 因為McAfee Agent 還未安裝好.

此時在Server Task Log, 會看見一個Deploy McAfee Agent 的Task 剛剛完成, 這就是把Agent 自動安裝在Workstation.

在Workstation 打開McAfee Agent, 會看見Computer 和 Agent 資料

而在System Tree, 會發現Workstation status 由Unmanaged 變成Managed.