前天買了新的AMD 六核電腦,當安裝Windows Server 08 R2 時候發現沒有DVD-Rom, 怎麼辦?立即想起利用另一部08 Server 的Windows Development Service (WDS) 經Network 部署08 R2, 但由於新電腦主機板的網絡晶片比較新, 08R2 影像檔沒有此Driver, 所以不能直接使用WDS, 事先要利用Windows AIK 加入Driver 到影像檔
a. Windows Automated Installation Kit for Windows 7
b. Windows Server 08 R2 Installation Image
c. NIC Driver for Windows Server 2008 (xx.inf)
1. 安裝Windows AIK 並打開Deployment Tools Command Prompt (Run As Administrator)
輸入 "dism /get-wiminfo /wimfile:f:\Images\boot.wim" 找到Windows Setup X64 是index 2
2. Unmount Windows Setup X64 出來
"dism /mount-wim /wimfile:f:\boot.wim /index:2 /mountdir:f:\mountboot"
3. 現在可以加入Driver
"dism /image:f:\mountboot /add-driver /driver:f:\lan\netrtx64.inf"
4. 儲存並封裝Boot.Wim
"dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:f:\mountboot /commit"
5. 然後可以把新的boot.wim 新增到WDS, 這時新的電腦可以利用WDS 部署OS
"setup.exe" /s /v/qn"SWICACHESIZE=\"10240\" SWIPUBSVRDISPLAY=\"Production System\" SWIPUBSVRTYPE=\"HTTP \" SWIPUBSVRHOST=\"PRODSYS\" SWIPUBSVRPORT=\"80\" SWIPUBSVRPATH=\"/AppVirt/appsntype.xml\" SWIPUBSVRREFRESH=\"on\" SWISKIPDATASETTINGS=\"false\" SWIGLOBALDATA=\"D:\AppVirt\Global\" SWIUSERDATA=\"^%HomeDrive^%\Windows\Application Virtualization Client\" SWIFSDRIVE=\"Q\""
SWICACHESIZE——緩存大小,指定用戶端緩存的大小 (MB)。預設大小為 4096 MB,最大大小為 1,048,576 MB (1 TB)。系統將在安裝時檢查可用空間,但不會保留空間
SWIPUBSVRHOST——IP 位址|主機名稱,指定 Application Virtualization Server 的 IP 位址或伺服器主機名稱(解析為伺服器的 IP 位址)
SWIPUBSVRPORT——埠號,標準 HTTP 伺服器—預設值 = 80,增強的安全性 HTTP 伺服器—預設值 = 443,Application Virtualization Server—預設值 = 554,增強的安全性 Application Virtualization Server—預設值 = 322
SWIPUBSVRREFRESH——指定在使用者登錄用戶端時用戶端是否會自動查詢發佈伺服器中的檔案類型關聯和應用程式(預設值 = ON)
"setup.exe" /s /v/qn"SWICACHESIZE=\"10240\" SWIPUBSVRDISPLAY=\"Production System\" SWIPUBSVRTYPE=\"HTTP \" SWIPUBSVRHOST=\"PRODSYS\" SWIPUBSVRPORT=\"80\" SWIPUBSVRPATH=\"/AppVirt/appsntype.xml\" SWIPUBSVRREFRESH=\"on\" SWISKIPDATASETTINGS=\"false\" SWIGLOBALDATA=\"D:\AppVirt\Global\" SWIUSERDATA=\"^%HomeDrive^%\Windows\Application Virtualization Client\" SWIFSDRIVE=\"Q\""
SWICACHESIZE——緩存大小,指定用戶端緩存的大小 (MB)。預設大小為 4096 MB,最大大小為 1,048,576 MB (1 TB)。系統將在安裝時檢查可用空間,但不會保留空間
SWIPUBSVRHOST——IP 位址|主機名稱,指定 Application Virtualization Server 的 IP 位址或伺服器主機名稱(解析為伺服器的 IP 位址)
SWIPUBSVRPORT——埠號,標準 HTTP 伺服器—預設值 = 80,增強的安全性 HTTP 伺服器—預設值 = 443,Application Virtualization Server—預設值 = 554,增強的安全性 Application Virtualization Server—預設值 = 322
SWIPUBSVRREFRESH——指定在使用者登錄用戶端時用戶端是否會自動查詢發佈伺服器中的檔案類型關聯和應用程式(預設值 = ON)
在Windows 7 預設Default User Profile & Default Network User Profile
To customize a Default Local User Profile
1.Log on to a computer running the Windows 7 operating system by using a local administrator account.
2.Customize the user experience as needed. For example, customizations might include the Desktop settings, Start menu options, or Favorites.
3.Copy and paste the sample .xml file from Appendix A into a text editor. Save the file with the name copyprofile.xml.
4.Open an elevated command prompt, and type the following:
Press ENTER, and then type the following:
Sysprep.exe /oobe /reboot /generalize /unattend:\copyprofile.xml
Press ENTER.
5.Sysprep shuts down the computer when the process completes.
To turn the Default Local User Profile into a Default Network User Profile
1.Log on to the computer that contains the customized Local Default User Profile by using administrative credentials.
2.Click Start. In Search programs and files, type the name of the shared NETLOGON folder for a domain controller (for example, \\DomainControllerName\NETLOGON), and then press ENTER.
3.Create a new folder, and name the folder Default User.v.2.
4.Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Properties.
5.Click Advanced System Settings, and under User Profiles, click Settings.
6.The User Profiles dialog box shows a list of profiles that are stored on the computer. Click Default Profile, and then click Copy To.
7.In the Copy profile to text box, type the network path and folder name that you created in step 3. For example, the network path in the contoso.com domain is \\HQ-CON-DC-01\NETLOGON\Default User.v.2.
8.Click Change. Type Everyone, and then click OK.
9.Click OK to copy the Default Local User Profile to the specified path.
10.Close all remaining windows and log off the computer when the copying process completes.
Sample sysprep.xml file for a 32-bit version of Windows 7:
1.Log on to a computer running the Windows 7 operating system by using a local administrator account.
2.Customize the user experience as needed. For example, customizations might include the Desktop settings, Start menu options, or Favorites.
3.Copy and paste the sample .xml file from Appendix A into a text editor. Save the file with the name copyprofile.xml.
4.Open an elevated command prompt, and type the following:
Press ENTER, and then type the following:
Sysprep.exe /oobe /reboot /generalize /unattend:
Press ENTER.
5.Sysprep shuts down the computer when the process completes.
To turn the Default Local User Profile into a Default Network User Profile
1.Log on to the computer that contains the customized Local Default User Profile by using administrative credentials.
2.Click Start. In Search programs and files, type the name of the shared NETLOGON folder for a domain controller (for example, \\DomainControllerName\NETLOGON), and then press ENTER.
3.Create a new folder, and name the folder Default User.v.2.
4.Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Properties.
5.Click Advanced System Settings, and under User Profiles, click Settings.
6.The User Profiles dialog box shows a list of profiles that are stored on the computer. Click Default Profile, and then click Copy To.
7.In the Copy profile to text box, type the network path and folder name that you created in step 3. For example, the network path in the contoso.com domain is \\HQ-CON-DC-01\NETLOGON\Default User.v.2.
8.Click Change. Type Everyone, and then click OK.
9.Click OK to copy the Default Local User Profile to the specified path.
10.Close all remaining windows and log off the computer when the copying process completes.
Sample sysprep.xml file for a 32-bit version of Windows 7:
Microsoft Desktop Player Beta
The Microsoft Desktop player allows IT professionals to access technical content (videos, webcasts, podcasts, white papers, and more) and links to resources (such as IT evangelists, local training opportunities, and local user groups) in your area. You can either view it online or download the WPF application to view offline.
AppV 4.6把Office 2010 虛擬化 - 客戶端電腦
1. 安裝AppV 4.6 Client
2. 下載Office 2010 Development Kit for AppV 並解壓.
3. 執行msiexec/i OffVirt.msi PROPLUS=1
4. 執行以下指令
msiexec/i 路徑 OffVirt.msi\OffVirt.msi ADDDEFAULT = Click2runOneNoteProxy、 Click2runOutlookProxies、 Click2runWDSProxy、 Click2runOWSSuppProxies PACKAGEGUID = {SFT package GUID} PACKAGEVERSION = versions found in OSD files for proxies, Outlook, and OneNote OUTLOOKNAME = app name for Outlook from OSD ONENOTENAME = app name for OneNote from OSD MAPISERVER = MAPI proxy app name VIRTUALSEARCHHOST = Search proxy app name MLCFG32CPL = app name for virtual mail configuration OWSSUPPServer = app name for SharePoint proxy
For example:
msiexec /i c:\OffVirt.msi ADDDEFAULT=Click2runOneNoteProxy,Click2runOutlookProxies,Click2runWDSProxy,Click2runOWSSuppProxies PACKAGEGUID={5971AF75-7831-4AE9-906F-0F30C7DD0CA5} PACKAGEVERSION=14.0.4763.1000 OUTLOOKNAME=”Microsoft Outlook 2010” ONENOTENAME=”Microsoft OneNote 2010” MAPISERVER=”Microsoft Virtual Office Simple Mapi Proxy Server” VIRTUALSEARCHHOST=”Search MAPI Protocol Handler Host” MLCFG32CPL=”Windows Control Panel” OWSSUPPServer=”Microsoft SharePoint Client Support Manager”
GUID 可以打開任何OSD找到
5. 在Control Panel 拎到Mail Panel, 設定Outlook Profile, 打開Outlook 並成功Send Mail.
2. 下載Office 2010 Development Kit for AppV 並解壓.
3. 執行msiexec/i OffVirt.msi PROPLUS=1
4. 執行以下指令
msiexec/i 路徑 OffVirt.msi\OffVirt.msi ADDDEFAULT = Click2runOneNoteProxy、 Click2runOutlookProxies、 Click2runWDSProxy、 Click2runOWSSuppProxies PACKAGEGUID = {SFT package GUID} PACKAGEVERSION = versions found in OSD files for proxies, Outlook, and OneNote OUTLOOKNAME = app name for Outlook from OSD ONENOTENAME = app name for OneNote from OSD MAPISERVER = MAPI proxy app name VIRTUALSEARCHHOST = Search proxy app name MLCFG32CPL = app name for virtual mail configuration OWSSUPPServer = app name for SharePoint proxy
For example:
msiexec /i c:\OffVirt.msi ADDDEFAULT=Click2runOneNoteProxy,Click2runOutlookProxies,Click2runWDSProxy,Click2runOWSSuppProxies PACKAGEGUID={5971AF75-7831-4AE9-906F-0F30C7DD0CA5} PACKAGEVERSION=14.0.4763.1000 OUTLOOKNAME=”Microsoft Outlook 2010” ONENOTENAME=”Microsoft OneNote 2010” MAPISERVER=”Microsoft Virtual Office Simple Mapi Proxy Server” VIRTUALSEARCHHOST=”Search MAPI Protocol Handler Host” MLCFG32CPL=”Windows Control Panel” OWSSUPPServer=”Microsoft SharePoint Client Support Manager”
GUID 可以打開任何OSD找到
5. 在Control Panel 拎到Mail Panel, 設定Outlook Profile, 打開Outlook 並成功Send Mail.
AppV 4.6把Office 2010 虛擬化 - 封裝篇
1. 在Q: 建立資料夾叫"OFF2010.V01"
2. 打開AppV 4.6 Sequencer
3. 按Create Package
4. 輸入Package Name: Microsoft Office 2010, 再按Next
5. 選擇Q:\OFF2010.V01
6. 按Begin Monitoring
7. 當顯示"Install the Application, and click Stop Monitoring" 時候, 執行office 2010 Setup 檔案.
8. 到"Choose the installation that you want" 選擇"Customize", 如果您想安裝該功能,請確定您選"Install to hard drive "
9. 按一下"File Locations" 並變更路徑到Q:\OFF2010.VO1
10. 等待安裝完成後, 打開CMD, 執行以下Registry
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences" /v "{4154494E-BFF9-01B8-00AA-0037D96E0000}" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences" /v "{C0A19454-7F29-1B10-A587-08002B2A2517}" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences" /v "{70fab278-f7af-cd11-9bc8-00aa002fc45a}" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences" /v "{c34f5c97-eb05-bb4b-b199-2a7570ec7cf9}" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences" /v "{0077B49E-E474-CE11-8C5E-00AA004254E2}" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f
reg add "HKCR\CLSID\{9203C2CB-1DC1-482d-967E-597AFF270F0D}\TreatAs"
reg delete "HKCR\CLSID\{9203C2CB-1DC1-482d-967E-597AFF270F0D}\TreatAs" /va /f
reg add "HKCR\CLSID\{BDEADEF5-C265-11D0-BCED-00A0C90AB50F}\TreatAs"
reg delete "HKCR\CLSID\{BDEADEF5-C265-11D0-BCED-00A0C90AB50F}\TreatAs" /va /f
reg add "HKCR\CLSID\{3FD37ABB-F90A-4DE5-AA38-179629E64C2F}\InprocServer32" /t REG_SZ /d "Q:\OFF2010.V01\VFS\CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\Microsoft Office\Office14\OWSSUPP.DLL" /f
reg add "HKCR\CLSID\{62B4D041-4667-40B6-BB50-4BC0A5043A73}\InprocServer32" /t REG_SZ /d "Q:\OFF2010.V01\VFS\CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\Microsoft Office\Office14\OWSSUPP.DLL" /f
reg add "HKCR\CLSID\{9203C2CB-1DC1-482D-967E-597AFF270F0D}\InprocServer32" /t REG_SZ /d "Q:\OFF2010.V01\VFS\CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\Microsoft Office\Office14\OWSSUPP.DLL" /f
reg add "HKCR\CLSID\{BDEADEF5-C265-11D0-BCED-00A0C90AB50F}\InprocServer32" /t REG_SZ /d "Q:\OFF2010.V01\VFS\CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\Microsoft Office\Office14\OWSSUPP.DLL" /f
要留意如果安裝路徑有變, 請更改"Q:\OFF2010.V01"為正確路徑
11. 瀏覽至虛擬應用程式的實際路徑"Q:\OFF2010.V01" 打開軟件, 如: WINWORD.EXE, EXCEL.EXE ... 建議每套軟件都打開三次以上, 確保軟件正常打開.
12. 按一下"Stop Monitoring"
13. 新增新的 Proxy 應用程式 Proxy 的支援
Application (OSD) files to add:
Instant Search (Virtual Search Host)
Application Path: %commonprogramfiles%\microsoft shared\virtualization handler\VirtualSearchHost.exe
Name: Specify a name. The default name is "Search MAPI Protocol Handler Host."
Virtual SharePoint Proxy
Application Path: %commonprogramfiles%\microsoft shared\virtualization handler\VirtualOWSSuppManager.exe
Name: Specify a name. The default name is "Microsoft SharePoint Client Support Manager."
Simple MAPI
Application Path: %commonprogramfiles%\microsoft shared\virtualization handler\MapiServer.exe
Name: Specify a name. The default name is "Microsoft Virtual Office Simple Mapi Proxy Server."
Virtual Mail Control Panel Item
Application Path: %windir%\system32\Control.exe %SFT_MNT%\OFF2010.V01\Office14\mlcfg32.cpl
Name: Specify a name. The default name is "Windows Control Panel."
Office Document Cache
Application Path: Q:\short path\Office14\MSOSync.exe
Name: Specify a name. The default name is "Microsoft Office Document Cache."
14. 展開Application,在Microsoft Office Document Cache中, 選取Shortcut,編輯快顯位置是 Start Menu\Programs\Startup
15. Office 安裝檔案 Setup.exe 上, 按一下滑鼠右鍵,然後選取 [內容], 按一下 [版本] 索引標籤。
變更以符合該版本的所有 OSD 檔案的版本。
如果版本的 Setup.exe 14.0.4763.1000 確定所有的 Proxy 應用程式 OSDs 和所有的 Office OSDs 的版本數目設定為 14.0.4763.1000。
16. 在Launch Applications, 選取並啟動所有您想要的應用程式產生每個應用程式在主要功能
*不建議您先啟動自訂設定值更能保留的 OneNote、 Outlook 或 SharePoint*
17. 確認下列的虛擬登錄機碼設為Merge with Local
18. 針對每個 OSD, 新增TRUE 在Element
19. 在Deployment 頁, 填上Application Server HostName, Path 輸入\OFF2010.V01
20.儲存Package 到Q:\OFF2010.V01
2. 打開AppV 4.6 Sequencer
3. 按Create Package
4. 輸入Package Name: Microsoft Office 2010, 再按Next
5. 選擇Q:\OFF2010.V01
6. 按Begin Monitoring
7. 當顯示"Install the Application, and click Stop Monitoring" 時候, 執行office 2010 Setup 檔案.
8. 到"Choose the installation that you want" 選擇"Customize", 如果您想安裝該功能,請確定您選"Install to hard drive "
9. 按一下"File Locations" 並變更路徑到Q:\OFF2010.VO1
10. 等待安裝完成後, 打開CMD, 執行以下Registry
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences" /v "{4154494E-BFF9-01B8-00AA-0037D96E0000}" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences" /v "{C0A19454-7F29-1B10-A587-08002B2A2517}" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences" /v "{70fab278-f7af-cd11-9bc8-00aa002fc45a}" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences" /v "{c34f5c97-eb05-bb4b-b199-2a7570ec7cf9}" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search\Preferences" /v "{0077B49E-E474-CE11-8C5E-00AA004254E2}" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f
reg add "HKCR\CLSID\{9203C2CB-1DC1-482d-967E-597AFF270F0D}\TreatAs"
reg delete "HKCR\CLSID\{9203C2CB-1DC1-482d-967E-597AFF270F0D}\TreatAs" /va /f
reg add "HKCR\CLSID\{BDEADEF5-C265-11D0-BCED-00A0C90AB50F}\TreatAs"
reg delete "HKCR\CLSID\{BDEADEF5-C265-11D0-BCED-00A0C90AB50F}\TreatAs" /va /f
reg add "HKCR\CLSID\{3FD37ABB-F90A-4DE5-AA38-179629E64C2F}\InprocServer32" /t REG_SZ /d "Q:\OFF2010.V01\VFS\CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\Microsoft Office\Office14\OWSSUPP.DLL" /f
reg add "HKCR\CLSID\{62B4D041-4667-40B6-BB50-4BC0A5043A73}\InprocServer32" /t REG_SZ /d "Q:\OFF2010.V01\VFS\CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\Microsoft Office\Office14\OWSSUPP.DLL" /f
reg add "HKCR\CLSID\{9203C2CB-1DC1-482D-967E-597AFF270F0D}\InprocServer32" /t REG_SZ /d "Q:\OFF2010.V01\VFS\CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\Microsoft Office\Office14\OWSSUPP.DLL" /f
reg add "HKCR\CLSID\{BDEADEF5-C265-11D0-BCED-00A0C90AB50F}\InprocServer32" /t REG_SZ /d "Q:\OFF2010.V01\VFS\CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\Microsoft Office\Office14\OWSSUPP.DLL" /f
要留意如果安裝路徑有變, 請更改"Q:\OFF2010.V01"為正確路徑
11. 瀏覽至虛擬應用程式的實際路徑"Q:\OFF2010.V01" 打開軟件, 如: WINWORD.EXE, EXCEL.EXE ... 建議每套軟件都打開三次以上, 確保軟件正常打開.
12. 按一下"Stop Monitoring"
13. 新增新的 Proxy 應用程式 Proxy 的支援
Application (OSD) files to add:
Instant Search (Virtual Search Host)
Application Path: %commonprogramfiles%\microsoft shared\virtualization handler\VirtualSearchHost.exe
Name: Specify a name. The default name is "Search MAPI Protocol Handler Host."
Virtual SharePoint Proxy
Application Path: %commonprogramfiles%\microsoft shared\virtualization handler\VirtualOWSSuppManager.exe
Name: Specify a name. The default name is "Microsoft SharePoint Client Support Manager."
Simple MAPI
Application Path: %commonprogramfiles%\microsoft shared\virtualization handler\MapiServer.exe
Name: Specify a name. The default name is "Microsoft Virtual Office Simple Mapi Proxy Server."
Virtual Mail Control Panel Item
Application Path: %windir%\system32\Control.exe %SFT_MNT%\OFF2010.V01\Office14\mlcfg32.cpl
Name: Specify a name. The default name is "Windows Control Panel."
Office Document Cache
Application Path: Q:\short path\Office14\MSOSync.exe
Name: Specify a name. The default name is "Microsoft Office Document Cache."
14. 展開Application,在Microsoft Office Document Cache中, 選取Shortcut,編輯快顯位置是 Start Menu\Programs\Startup
15. Office 安裝檔案 Setup.exe 上, 按一下滑鼠右鍵,然後選取 [內容], 按一下 [版本] 索引標籤。
變更以符合該版本的所有 OSD 檔案的版本。
如果版本的 Setup.exe 14.0.4763.1000 確定所有的 Proxy 應用程式 OSDs 和所有的 Office OSDs 的版本數目設定為 14.0.4763.1000。
16. 在Launch Applications, 選取並啟動所有您想要的應用程式產生每個應用程式在主要功能
*不建議您先啟動自訂設定值更能保留的 OneNote、 Outlook 或 SharePoint*
17. 確認下列的虛擬登錄機碼設為Merge with Local
18. 針對每個 OSD, 新增TRUE 在Element
19. 在Deployment 頁, 填上Application Server HostName, Path 輸入\OFF2010.V01
20.儲存Package 到Q:\OFF2010.V01
AppV 4.6把Office 2010 虛擬化 - 準備篇
Office 2010 已經發佈, 亦有好多人準備升級,之前提過如果用GPO 在AD 環境內安裝在客戶端電腦上,今次是如果用AppV 4.6 把Office 2010 虛擬化再發佈出去. 今次要準備以下幾項:
a. Microsoft Office 2010 Professional VL 版
b. Office 2010 Development kit for AppV , 可以到這裡下載
c. AppV 4.6 Sequencer *Microsoft Office 2010 目前不支援在 App-V 4.5 上*
1. 在一部已經安裝Windows 7 的電腦上新增Multi-string value = vsl 在以下Registry
2. 請確定您安裝 Windows Search 4.0 並將 Windows 搜尋 服務設定為手動或自動。
預設情況下,Windows 搜尋安裝在 Windows 7。透過 [Windows 功能],在 [新增或移除程式] 中 啟用它。
3. 藉由安裝 Microsoft XML Paper Specification Essentials Pack (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=169359) 下載 XPS 檢視器。
預設情況下,XPS 檢視器已安裝在 Windows Vista 和 Windows 7。
將 Windows Update 服務設定為 [停用]。
4. 安裝 App-V 4.6 Sequencer
5. 利用指令"Office2010AppVKit-x86.exe /extract:c:\office2010appvkit" 解壓Office2010 Development kit for AppV
6. 到c:\office2010appvkit 資料夾, 執行"msiexec/i OffVirt.msi ADDLOCAL = Click2runMapi Click2runOWSSupp,Click2runWDS OSpp,OSpp_Core PROPLUS=1"
a. Microsoft Office 2010 Professional VL 版
b. Office 2010 Development kit for AppV , 可以到這裡下載
c. AppV 4.6 Sequencer *Microsoft Office 2010 目前不支援在 App-V 4.5 上*
1. 在一部已經安裝Windows 7 的電腦上新增Multi-string value = vsl 在以下Registry
2. 請確定您安裝 Windows Search 4.0 並將 Windows 搜尋 服務設定為手動或自動。
預設情況下,Windows 搜尋安裝在 Windows 7。透過 [Windows 功能],在 [新增或移除程式] 中 啟用它。
3. 藉由安裝 Microsoft XML Paper Specification Essentials Pack (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=169359) 下載 XPS 檢視器。
預設情況下,XPS 檢視器已安裝在 Windows Vista 和 Windows 7。
將 Windows Update 服務設定為 [停用]。
4. 安裝 App-V 4.6 Sequencer
5. 利用指令"Office2010AppVKit-x86.exe /extract:c:\office2010appvkit" 解壓Office2010 Development kit for AppV
6. 到c:\office2010appvkit 資料夾, 執行"msiexec/i OffVirt.msi ADDLOCAL = Click2runMapi Click2runOWSSupp,Click2runWDS OSpp,OSpp_Core PROPLUS=1"
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