
讓不支援HAV (Hardware-Assisted Virtualization) 電腦都可以行XP Mode

XP Mode 是Windows 7 新特色, 可以解決軟件相容性問題, 但唯一是只可以在CPU 支援HAV (Hardware-Assisted Virtualization)電腦上運行, 一些比較舊電腦就無福享受這個新功能.
但近日Micosoft 發佈了更新檔KB977206 , 可以令一些電腦沒有HAV 支援下都可以成功執行.
這個更新僅支援 Windows XP Service Pack 3 虛擬機器
建議您僅在處理器不支援 HAV 功能時安裝這個更新


安裝這個更新之後,您可能無法在 Windows 7 和 Windows XP 模式 (或任何其他虛擬機器) 之間複製並貼上檔案。如果要解決這個問題,可透過從虛擬機器存取的共用 Windows 7 磁碟機來複製並貼上。如果要執行這項操作,請依照下列步驟執行:
請確認您已啟用虛擬機器中的「整合功能」。如需有關如何啟用這些功能的詳細資訊,請造訪下列 Microsoft 網站:
http://technet.microsoft.com/zh-tw/library/ee449412(WS.10).aspx (http://technet.microsoft.com/zh-tw/library/ee449412(WS.10).aspx)
在虛擬機器中,開啟 [Windows 檔案總管],然後在虛擬機器的磁碟機和共用的 Windows 7 磁碟機之間複製或貼上檔案。

Windows Virtual PC and Windows XP Mode no longer require HAV processors
The Virtual PC team is thrilled to announce the availability of KB977206 which allows our customers to use Windows Virtual PC and Windows XP Mode on non-HAV (Hardware-Assisted Virtualization) machines. Windows XP Mode continues to use hardware virtualization such as Intel Virtualization Technology (Intel® VT) or the AMD-V™ chipset when available but it no longer requires them. A number of our customers and partners have been asking us to support a wider range of PC’s including those without HAV capability and we have delivered this software patch to address their needs. We believe that this change simplifies the customer experience and makes this benefit accessible to many more PCs.

Download the software update for 32-bit host operating systems from here and for 64-bit host operating systems from here.

The KB article describes the various scenarios under which the software update must be installed. Ensure that Windows Virtual PC is installed before applying this fix.

下載位置: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/977206
XP MODE 下載:http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtual-pc/download.aspx

